Specialty Contractors
A - Å Bygg V/ Ansgar-åge Vestnes is located in KVAMSØY, MØRE OG ROMSDAL, Norway and is part of the Specialty Contractors Industry. A - Å Bygg V/ Ansgar-åge Vestnes has 1 employees at this location and generates $150,531 in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the A - Å Bygg V/ Ansgar-åge Vestnes corporate family. A - Å Bygg V/ Ansgar-åge Vestnes is located in KVAMSØY, MØRE OG ROMSDAL, Norway and is part of the Specialty Contractors Industry. A - Å Bygg V/ Ansgar-åge Vestnes has 1 employees at this location and generates $150,531 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 2 companies in the A - Å Bygg V/ Ansgar-åge Vestnes corporate family.