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124 employees
Private Limited Company
Padova, Padova
Tech Hardware & Semiconductors

ABACO is a leading European player in the development of software solutions for management and control of land assets. With offices in Italy and Great Britain, ABACO designs and manages innovative solutions for agriculture. Thirty years' experience have enabled the company to anticipate the needs of an evolving market and to become the trusted partner for some of the most crucial actors in agro-industry and government who face the challenges of sustainable development, traceability and productivity. In June 2019 the majority stake of ABACO was acquired by Taste of Italy, an Italian fund specialized in the agri-food sector and managed by DeACapital Alternative Funds SGR. Abaco International Srl was founded in 1994. The Company's line of business includes distributing office equipment. ABACO S.p.A., con sede legale a Padova ed amministrativa a Montebelluna (Treviso), è un’azienda che da oltre 40 anni opera nei servizi a supporto degli Enti pubblici, in prevalenza Comuni, compresi Consorzi, Utilities, Unioni di Comuni, Comunità montane. Fondata nel 1969, ad inizio 2018 conta su una struttura di 400 dipendenti, dotati di competenze fra loro integrate, con un portafoglio clienti di oltre 600 Comuni italiani, da Bressanone a Brindisi, più di 4 milioni di abitanti serviti, attraverso una rete di 80 sportelli, ai quali si aggiungono oltre 400 recapiti locali. Gli ambiti di attività riguardano la gestione completa di tributi locali (Imposta di Pubblicità e Pubbliche affissioni, TOSAP/COSAP e Tassa Rifiuti giornaliera, IMU/TASI, TARES/TARI), RISCOSSIONE COATTIVA e recupero crediti, SMART CITIES e gestione di PARCHEGGI a pagamento, altri servizi (come illuminazione votiva, imposta di soggiorno, consulenza tributaria ed informatica). Per svolgere le sue attività, ABACO è iscritta al n. 56 dell'Albo dei soggetti abilitati alla riscossione, liquidazione e accertamento dei tributi e delle entrate degli Enti Locali, istituito presso il Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze, ed inoltre, è fornita di tutte le principali certificazioni aziendali, comprese la licenza di recupero crediti, il modello organizzativo in base al Decreto legislativo 231/2001, il rating di legalità, il Codice etico. Abaco S.P.A. of Mantova operates as a software company. The Company develops cloud based land management software solutions for agriculture, livestock, woodland, water management, and real estate industries. Abaco serves customers in Italy. ABACO were founded in 1990 as a group of professionals. Architects, engineers, agronomists and mathematicians initially engaged in software technology development (DbCAD / DbGIS / DbMAP), then focused on innovative and advanced solutions in areas such as Cadasters, Real Estate management, Agricultural and Urban Land-Use management. From their foundation, ABACO have an international vision resulting into technology partnerships with major corporations working on geographic information systems. In 2000 ABACO start selling the first version of their framework named SITI PROJECT, though keeping focused on basic technology innovation. With SITI ABACO emerge as a solid and very competent group in the field of land management information systems. The transition to business solutions is an important step in the history of the group since it allowed to establish business in Europe with a real ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) but dedicated to land resources therefore named SITI TRP (Territory Resource Planning). Siamo un team specializzato nella gestione e liquidazione di sinistri property e liability, formato da professionisti che, da alcuni decenni, operano per conto delle principali compagnie di assicurazioni. Operiamo direttamente con professionisti e tecnici interni in diverse aree geografiche: Puglia (province di Foggia, Barletta-Trani, Nord Barese), Basilicata, Molise, Lazio (province di Latina e Frosinone) e Campania (province di Avellino e Benevento). Accordi di partnership con selezionate imprese edili e impiantistiche, operanti nel territorio, ci consentono di offrire un servizio integrato di riparazione diretta del danno per sinistri da: acqua condotta, ricerca e riparazione del guasto, fenomeno elettrico, guasti a fissi e infissi, cristalli. Abaco Srl è convenzionata con la Race Srl, autorizzata dall'ENAC, per il servizio di riprese aeree con l’ausilio di droni. Abaco, Bahamas - Accommodations, Boat Rentals, Information about the Abacos ABACO S.R.L. - Mediazione Creditizia Prestiti Personali, Cessioni del Quinto, Leasing e Mutui. Agenti in Attività Finanziaria - Iscrizione UIF 8110 Via San Crispino 72 - 35129 Padova CF 02775490242 - 03467060285 Tel. 049 7386394 - 049 7387930 in ABACO SRL is located in VENEZIA, VENEZIA, Italy and is part of the Residential Real Estate Development Industry. ABACO SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $83,000 in sales (USD). ABACO SRL is located in VENEZIA, VENEZIA, Italy and is part of the Residential Real Estate Development Industry. ABACO SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $83,000 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). ABACO SPA is located in CONEGLIANO, TREVISO, Italy and is part of the Parking Lots & Garages Industry. There are 54 companies in the ABACO SPA corporate family. ABACO SPA is located in CONEGLIANO, TREVISO, Italy and is part of the Parking Lots & Garages Industry. There are 54 companies in the ABACO SPA corporate family. ABACO SPA is located in LUGO, RAVENNA, Italy and is part of the Parking Lots & Garages Industry. There are 54 companies in the ABACO SPA corporate family. ABACO SPA is located in LUGO, RAVENNA, Italy and is part of the Parking Lots & Garages Industry. There are 54 companies in the ABACO SPA corporate family. ABACO SPA is located in FAENZA, RAVENNA, Italy and is part of the Parking Lots & Garages Industry. There are 54 companies in the ABACO SPA corporate family. ABACO SPA is located in FAENZA, RAVENNA, Italy and is part of the Parking Lots & Garages Industry. There are 54 companies in the ABACO SPA corporate family. ABACO SPA is located in SONDRIO, SONDRIO, Italy and is part of the Parking Lots & Garages Industry. There are 54 companies in the ABACO SPA corporate family. ABACO SPA is located in SONDRIO, SONDRIO, Italy and is part of the Parking Lots & Garages Industry. There are 54 companies in the ABACO SPA corporate family. ABACO SRL is located in VERONA, VERONA, Italy and is part of the Residential Real Estate Brokerage & Management Industry. ABACO SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $206,341 in sales (USD). ABACO SRL is located in VERONA, VERONA, Italy and is part of the Residential Real Estate Brokerage & Management Industry. ABACO SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $206,341 in sales (USD). ABACO INTERNATIONAL SRL is located in CASTELFRANCO VENETO, TREVISO, Italy and is part of the Electronic Component Wholesalers Industry. ABACO INTERNATIONAL SRL has 13 employees at this location and generates $27.32 million in sales (USD). ABACO INTERNATIONAL SRL is located in CASTELFRANCO VENETO, TREVISO, Italy and is part of the Electronic Component Wholesalers Industry. ABACO INTERNATIONAL SRL has 13 employees at this location and generates $27.32 million in sales (USD). ABACO SRL is located in FIRENZE, FIRENZE, Italy and is part of the Armored Vehicle Services Industry. ABACO SRL has 4 employees at this location and generates $105,766 in sales (USD). ABACO SRL is located in FIRENZE, FIRENZE, Italy and is part of the Armored Vehicle Services Industry. ABACO SRL has 4 employees at this location and generates $105,766 in sales (USD). ABACO SPA is located in MONTEBELLUNA, TREVISO, Italy and is part of the Business Services Sector Industry. ABACO SPA has 400 employees at this location and generates $38.14 million in sales (USD). There are 54 companies in the ABACO SPA corporate family. ABACO SPA is located in MONTEBELLUNA, TREVISO, Italy and is part of the Business Services Sector Industry. ABACO SPA has 400 employees at this location and generates $38.14 million in sales (USD). There are 54 companies in the ABACO SPA corporate family. ABACO SRL is located in APRILIA, LATINA, Italy and is part of the Chemical Wholesalers Industry. ABACO SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $132,000 in sales (USD). ABACO SRL is located in APRILIA, LATINA, Italy and is part of the Chemical Wholesalers Industry. ABACO SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $132,000 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). ABACO SRL is located in MESSINA, MESSINA, Italy and is part of the Office Supply Stores Industry. ABACO SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $191,457 in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the ABACO SRL corporate family. ABACO SRL is located in MESSINA, MESSINA, Italy and is part of the Office Supply Stores Industry. ABACO SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $191,457 in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the ABACO SRL corporate family. ABACO SRL is located in ISERNIA, ISERNIA, Italy and is part of the Insurance Carriers Industry. There are 2 companies in the ABACO SRL corporate family. ABACO SRL is located in ISERNIA, ISERNIA, Italy and is part of the Insurance Carriers Industry. There are 2 companies in the ABACO SRL corporate family.


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