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Private Limited Company
$1.02 million
Montecchio Emilia, RE
Recreational Facilities and Services

DISCOTECA, SALA DA BALLO, NIGHT-CLUB OGGETTO SOCIALE: LA SOCIETA HA PER OGGETTO LE SEGUENTI ATTIVITA : - LA GESTIONE IN PROPRIO E PER CONTO TERZI DI RISTORANTI, PIZZERIE E TAVOLE CALDE ED IN GENERE DI LOCALI PER LA SOMMINISTRAZIONE AL PUBBLICO DI ALIMENTI E [Montecchio Emilia, RE] Produce elevatori telescopici, autobetoniere e macchine agricole. Presenta il profilo aziendale, i prodotti, i contatti. DIECI Srl was founded in 1990. The Company's line of business includes the manufacturing of heavy machinery and equipment. DISCOTECA, SALA DA BALLO, NIGHT-CLUB OGGETTO SOCIALE: LA SOCIETA HA PER OGGETTO LE SEGUENTI ATTIVITA : - LA GESTIONE IN PROPRIO E PER CONTO TERZI DI RISTORANTI, PIZZERIE E TAVOLE CALDE ED IN GENERE DI LOCALI PER LA SOMMINISTRAZIONE AL PUBBLICO DI ALIMENTI E Dieci vehicles and machines for the building industry and agriculture, present for over 40 years on the market, is managed by a group of entrepreneurs who are successfully active in a number of branches of industry in Emilia. The manufacture of telescopic elevators for industry and agriculture, truck mixers for the building industry, dumpers for transportation, chassis and special vehicles built to customer specifications, these are the products in which DIECI best expresses its technological vocation. The company now has three main priorities: quality, safety and on-going innovation, all aimed at providing maximum customer satisfaction. DIECI SRL is located in MONTECCHIO EMILIA, REGGIO EMILIA, Italy and is part of the Construction Machinery Manufacturing Industry. DIECI SRL has 293 employees at this location and generates $175.79 million in sales (USD). There are 15 companies in the DIECI SRL corporate family. DIECI SRL is located in MONTECCHIO EMILIA, REGGIO EMILIA, Italy and is part of the Construction Machinery Manufacturing Industry. DIECI SRL has 293 employees at this location and generates $175.79 million in sales (USD). There are 15 companies in the DIECI SRL corporate family. DIECI SRL is located in BIBBIANO, REGGIO EMILIA, Italy and is part of the Testing Laboratories Industry. There are 15 companies in the DIECI SRL corporate family. DIECI SRL is located in BIBBIANO, REGGIO EMILIA, Italy and is part of the Testing Laboratories Industry. There are 15 companies in the DIECI SRL corporate family. DIECI SRL is located in MONZA, MONZA E BRIANZA, Italy and is part of the Education & Training Services Industry. DIECI SRL has 13 employees at this location and generates $1.02 million in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the DIECI SRL corporate family. DIECI SRL is located in MONZA, MONZA E BRIANZA, Italy and is part of the Education & Training Services Industry. DIECI SRL has 13 employees at this location and generates $1.02 million in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the DIECI SRL corporate family.


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