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A total of 0 Companies


1-10 employees
Private Limited Company
Pianezza, Piemonte
Direct Selling

F.G. è un'impresa di Pianezza, in provincia di Torino, attiva da oltre cinquant’anni nel settore dei servizi per l'edilizia e le opere pubbliche. L'azienda ha maturato una solida esperienza nelle seguenti attività di: • recupero dei materiali inerti da demolizione; • trasporto e trattamento in cava; • demolizioni; • escavazione di fondamenta; • movimentazione di terra. L'investimento in strutture e in appositi macchinari ha consentito a F.G. di garantire il proprio supporto anche per quanto riguarda il noleggio di cassoni scarrabili per imprese edili e privati oltre che per la cura delle aree verdi. La professionalità dello staff e l'organizzazione capillare dei ruoli aziendali sono fondamentali per garantire un intervento rapido e preciso in ogni circostanza e in accordo con i regolamenti e le norme che regolano il settore. Se desiderate ulteriori informazioni sul servizio di recupero dei materiali inerti da demolizione e per confrontarvi con lo staff di F.G., vi aspettiamo presso la nostra sede di via Druento 32, a Pianezza (TO). F.G. SRL is located in ASOLA, MANTOVA, Italy and is part of the Direct Selling Industry. F.G. SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $1.68 million in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the F.G. SRL corporate family. F.G. SRL is located in ASOLA, MANTOVA, Italy and is part of the Direct Selling Industry. F.G. SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $1.68 million in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the F.G. SRL corporate family. F.G. SRL is located in CONEGLIANO, TREVISO, Italy and is part of the Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry. F.G. SRL has 3 employees at this location and generates $403,968 in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the F.G. SRL corporate family. F.G. SRL is located in CONEGLIANO, TREVISO, Italy and is part of the Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry. F.G. SRL has 3 employees at this location and generates $403,968 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 2 companies in the F.G. SRL corporate family. F.G. SRL is located in PONTE SAN PIETRO, BERGAMO, Italy and is part of the Warehousing & Storage Industry. F.G. SRL has 17 employees at this location and generates $1.31 million in sales (USD). F.G. SRL is located in PONTE SAN PIETRO, BERGAMO, Italy and is part of the Warehousing & Storage Industry. F.G. SRL has 17 employees at this location and generates $1.31 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). F.G. SRL is located in CASALGRANDE, REGGIO EMILIA, Italy and is part of the Finance & Insurance Sector Industry. F.G. SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $115,802 in sales (USD). F.G. SRL is located in CASALGRANDE, REGGIO EMILIA, Italy and is part of the Finance & Insurance Sector Industry. F.G. SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $115,802 in sales (USD).


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