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Privately Held
Madrid, Madrid

Garrigues is an international legal and tax services firm that provides business law advice in the main economic scenarios of the global marketplace. Since its creation in 1941, the Firm has been noted for its international outlook and innovative nature. Our team is made up of two thousand people from twenty-five different nationalities who, under a single integrated management team and with the same quality standards, operate in thirteen countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas, where we have a well-established office and team structure. All Garrigues lawyers share the same hallmarks: empathy with the client, ongoing dedication to understanding client needs and strict compliance with ethical standards. These qualities, together with their broad experience, training and availability, make us one of the most prestigious and professional law firms in the industry. Garrigues is a law firm that provides legal advisory and tax consulting services to the corporate sector. Garrigues Norte SLP serves as a law firm that provides legal services in Spain. The Firm's practice areas includes Banking, Finance, Telecommunications, Securities Market, Mergers and Acquisitions, Criminal and Administrative Law, Insurance, Transportation, Litigation, Tax, Intellectual Property, and Real Estate. Asesoramiento integral en todas y cada una de las materias jurídicas y fiscales que desarrolla Garrigues: Contratación mercantil y Derecho Societario, Derecho Administrativo, Derecho Bancario y Financiero, Derecho Contable, Derecho de las Tecnologías de la Información, Derecho de las Telecomunicaciones y Audiovisual, Derecho del Mercado de Valores, Derecho Deportivo y del Entretenimiento, Derecho Europeo y de la Competencia, Derecho farmacéutico, sanitario y de la biotecnología, Derecho Fiscal, Derecho Inmobiliario, Derecho Laboral, Derecho Marítimo y Transporte, Derecho Penal, Derecho Urbanístico, Derecho y regulación del Seguro, Fusiones y Adquisiciones, Human Capital Services, Litigación y Arbitraje, Medio Ambiente, Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual y Reestructuraciones e Insolvencias.


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