New Port Richey, FL
We offer assistance with Spiritual Awakening, MultiDimensional / Modal Energy Healing, Etheric Surgery, Implant Removal, LightBodyWork, DNA Activation and Grid Work. Had a Sacred Healing Sanctuary in Maui Hawaii, Viet Nam War Veteran, Travel to Sacred Sites World wide for activations and grid work. also do Sound-Light Healing, play the Crystal Singing Bowls and Overtone. "DIVINE TUNE-UPs" Available. Be Healthy on all Levels, Have: Health, Vitality, Peace, LightBody and DNA Awakening, Karmic Clearing, your Heart's Desires, Empowering Relationships, Remember your Godhood. Let your Inner victim die an Easy Death. Our Healing Modalities include: Etheric Surgeey Certified Spiritual / Energy Healing, Reiki / Seichim Masters, Adamantine Mastery. Practitioners of Exodus, Quantum Touch, 3 in One, Craniosacral, EMF, MAP, SoundLight, Shamballa, Renewal, Matrix Energetics, BioGenesis, Belvaspata, Thea Healing and LightBody Work using Sound, Light and Crystals. Partners DrLight (Higher Service Dog, Animal Healer) & Jan Carter MT(ASCP) professional Angelic Astrologer with a heart of gold doing Astrological guidance, readings and incredible personal Astrological Reports for insight into You, your Life, Cycles, Relationships and Agreements with God . Healing and Guidance for You and your Pet by Phone, Worldwide. Worked with Light as a Professional PhotoGrapher and Artist for over 20 years. www.SoundLight.org Free Modern day Prophecy site: http:/www.LightNews.us