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$17.68 million
Henderson, NV
Renewables & Environment

K2 Energy provides cutting edge technology in Lithium-Ion energy storage, with a world class team of scientists and engineers with extensive experience in energy storage design, systems integration, manufacturing, support testing and quality control. K2 offers inception to implementation solutions as our knowledge base encompasses cell to systems level optimization. K2 Energy Solutions, Inc. was founded in 2006. The company's line of business includes the manufacturing of storage batteries. K2 Energy provides cutting edge technology in Lithium-Ion energy storage, with a world class team of scientists and engineers with extensive experience in energy storage design, systems integration, manufacturing, support testing and quality control. K2 offers inception to implementation solutions as our knowledge base encompasses cell to systems level optimization. K2 Energy Solutions, Inc in Henderson, NV is a private company categorized under Batteries Manufacturers. Our records show it was established in 2006 and incorporated in Nevada. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of $1,400,000 and employs a staff of approximately 18. Companies like K2 Energy Solutions, Inc usually offer: Lead Acid Storage Battery, 12 Volt Storage Battery, Energy Storage Batteries, Storage Battery and Edison Storage Battery. K2 Energy Solutions, Inc. is located in Henderson, NV, United States and is part of the Battery Manufacturing Industry. K2 Energy Solutions, Inc. has 80 total employees across all of its locations and generates $17.68 million in sales (USD). K2 Energy Solutions, Inc. is located in Henderson, NV, United States and is part of the Battery Manufacturing Industry. K2 Energy Solutions, Inc. has 80 total employees across all of its locations and generates $17.68 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled).


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