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Sole Proprietorship
Calgary, Alberta
Career guidance service

MISSION To help motivated professionals cut through the chaos and define their direction; approaching career transitions with intention to build work-life alignment that still pays the bills. ABOUT Offering everything from resume and cover letter support to helping you find your purpose and overcome life's challenges. Pick from pre-packaged offerings or reach out for monthly rates. WHAT IS COACHING? Coaches ask you the open ended questions that you don’t think to ask yourself. They guide and listen to explore the potential that is already within you. They listen to understand the stories that have shaped your life, and help uncover assumptions and beliefs to develop plans of action tailored to your purpose. My career coaching model specializes in your job search journey and finding happiness in your career! I combine the coaching methodology with a “selling yourself” attitude. This means while there is opportunity to share, listen and grow, we also get down to business and get your documents ready. If you wake up every Monday morning dreading work, and it is bleeding into your Sunday, and poisoning your personal life, then we need to talk! Career coaching can help you address the bigger question of “What is my end goal?” with your career choices, and help you make step-changes to realign yourself with your purpose. Love your job, love your life! If you are looking to “get a job”, I will set you up for success with tools, worksheets, and tactics to prepare you for your job search. Whether you are just finishing university and looking for your first corporate position, or already have some experience and are looking for a change, I can certainly help! I offer a unique combination of services from one on one strategy coaching, to personalized “get the job” game plans. Contact for a FREE 30 minute consultation whereby I will follow up with a personalized plan based on your individual needs.


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