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National library

Kungliga biblioteket (KB) är Sveriges nationalbibliotek. Huvuduppgiften är att samla in, beskriva, bevara och tillhandahålla svenskt tryckt och audiovisuellt material. KB har också ett nationellt samverkans- och utvecklingsansvar för bibliotekssektorn. Sedan den första lagen om pliktleveranser stiftades 1661 har i stort sett alla publikationer som utgivits i Sverige samlats in. På KB sparar vi allt material för framtida generationer, oavsett innehåll och form – ingenting får kastas. KB är också ett forskningsbibliotek, främst inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap. KB har genom åren varit en viktig källa för forskare, journalister, författare och studenter. I dialog med den svenska bibliotekssektorn koordinerar KB strategiska utvecklingsinsatser för svenska bibliotek. Det innebär bland annat arbete med biblioteksstatistik, forbildningsfrågor och digitaliseringssamordning. Vi driver också flera större projekt, bland annat för ökad och fri spridning av vetenskapliga resultat, så kallad Open Access. -------------------------- The National Library of Sweden is a state agency. Our mission is to collect, preserve and make Swedish print and audiovisual material available to the public. We also coordinate strategic collaboration and business development in the Swedish library sector. In English – Kungliga biblioteket – Sveriges nationalbibliotek . - Welcome to the National Library of Sweden. We collect, preserve and make available almost everything that is published in Sweden. Kungliga Biblioteket is located in Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden and is part of the Libraries & Archives Industry. Kungliga Biblioteket has 200 employees at this location and generates $7.64 million in sales (USD). There are 5 companies in the Kungliga Biblioteket corporate family. Kungliga Biblioteket is located in Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden and is part of the Libraries & Archives Industry. Kungliga Biblioteket has 200 employees at this location and generates $7.64 million in sales (USD). There are 5 companies in the Kungliga Biblioteket corporate family. Kungliga Biblioteket is located in Häggeby, Uppsala, Sweden and is part of the Libraries & Archives Industry. Kungliga Biblioteket has 1 employees at this location. There are 5 companies in the Kungliga Biblioteket corporate family. Kungliga Biblioteket is located in Häggeby, Uppsala, Sweden and is part of the Libraries & Archives Industry. Kungliga Biblioteket has 1 employees at this location. There are 5 companies in the Kungliga Biblioteket corporate family. Kungliga Biblioteket is located in Strängnäs, Södermanland, Sweden and is part of the Libraries & Archives Industry. Kungliga Biblioteket has 5 employees at this location. There are 5 companies in the Kungliga Biblioteket corporate family. Kungliga Biblioteket is located in Strängnäs, Södermanland, Sweden and is part of the Libraries & Archives Industry. Kungliga Biblioteket has 5 employees at this location. There are 5 companies in the Kungliga Biblioteket corporate family. Kungliga Biblioteket is located in Grängesberg, Dalarna, Sweden and is part of the Libraries & Archives Industry. Kungliga Biblioteket has 10 employees at this location. There are 5 companies in the Kungliga Biblioteket corporate family. Kungliga Biblioteket is located in Grängesberg, Dalarna, Sweden and is part of the Libraries & Archives Industry. Kungliga Biblioteket has 10 employees at this location. There are 5 companies in the Kungliga Biblioteket corporate family.


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