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A total of 0 Companies


1-10 employees
Sole Proprietorship
La Bisbal d´Empordá, Girona
Consumer Goodss & s

Tienda on-line decoración y regalos, productos y objetos para decorar la casa. productos y objetos para regalar. La Botiga, tienda de decoración y regalos originales. Mas de 30 años de recorrido un equipo de 8 personas en 2 tiendas físicas y la tienda online. La botiga es una tienda viva, que crece cada día gracias a nuestros miles de clientes, la web 2.0 nos permite estar conectados a nuestros usuarios durante las 24h, y es por eso, que sabemos lo que te gusta. LA BOTIGA S.C.P. is located in MOLLERUSSA, Spain and is part of the Grocery Stores & Supermarkets Industry. LA BOTIGA S.C.P. has 3 employees at this location and generates $273,000 in sales (USD). LA BOTIGA S.C.P. is located in MOLLERUSSA, Spain and is part of the Grocery Stores & Supermarkets Industry. LA BOTIGA S.C.P. has 3 employees at this location and generates $273,000 in sales (USD). (Employees figure is estimated, Sales figure is modelled). LA BOTIGA S.C.P. is located in TARRAGONA, Spain and is part of the Grocery Stores & Supermarkets Industry. LA BOTIGA S.C.P. has 2 employees at this location and generates $194,000 in sales (USD). LA BOTIGA S.C.P. is located in TARRAGONA, Spain and is part of the Grocery Stores & Supermarkets Industry. LA BOTIGA S.C.P. has 2 employees at this location and generates $194,000 in sales (USD). (Employees figure is estimated, Sales figure is modelled).


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