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Sohna, Haryana
Luxury Goods & Jewelry and health club

Seema was born and brought up in New Delhi .With a background of psychology and a diploma in marketing,merchandising & designing she started working at the age of 17 in an export house.From an intern Seema became a well resppected Senior merchandiser within 6 years . Unfortunately ,Seema lost her kidneys twice ,due to which she could never pursue her dreams or have a career she dreamed of. After having 4 major surgeries,including 2 kidney transplants and many minor ones she not only underwent many years of dialysis but ,lost her eyesight due to diabetes and struggled with various side effects and diseases that challenged her one after the other. 29th July 2015 Seema received a cadever after which at the age of 40 she decided to full fledgedly start her life from a scratch. Seema an natural artist herself,learned the art of jewelry making, from her friend Chitra just for fun . Initially Seema pursued this as a hobby just to earn some pocket money. Over the years the eyesight came back naturally but not completely,,what she realised was,that even though she cannot see the details she can see colours.Seema decided to bead and requested her Mother to close /finish every piece. Seema's designs were widely appreciated and everyone encouraged her to expand the horizons. Today Seema brand Lavender feel beautiful has a renowned name Chennai , her brand has carved a small niche ,where in Seema has started to slowly support herself by selling her designs. Seema works from home and most of the time sells online. Seema loves,music and is also a salsa dancer,.Seema loves to paint,cook and write poetry. She loves meditating and nature,she feels it gives her immense peace and focus, Seema has an ever smiling face hence most of her friends call her joy & sunshine . Seema's favourite quote -: "Never give up - Never give in "​ Seema says she has reached so far simply because her family & clients who believed in her. Seema calls her a miracle baby - Today Chennai is her home which she lovingly calls as "The Sundrop Land"​ Seema is grateful,to everyone who sailed her through tough times,and is grateful to all the angel that God sent into her life . Seema says"when she feels down ,she prays & knows that Divine right actions keep happening in her life"​


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