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A total of 0 Companies


Public Limited Company
$1.76 million
Residential Construction Contractors

MINT is een onafhankelijk studiebureau in de volle breedte voor verkeer en mobiliteit, gevestigd in Mechelen (België) en Gent (België). Goudappel Coffeng uit Nederland is onze structurele partner zowel op inhoudelijk als op organisatorisch vlak. Als leidraad bij al haar activiteiten stelt MINT dat kennis van geen waarde is tenzij je deze in de praktijk kan brengen: MINT wenst dan ook een brug te slaan tussen de nieuwste inzichten en expertise enerzijds en praktische, werkende toepassingen in de dagelijkse operationaliteit anderzijds. Het ingezette team garandeert steeds een objectief en deskundig advies door zijn opgebouwde competentie. De twee speerpunten zijn verkeersmodellen en verkeersplanning waarin MINT dé toonaangevende adviseur wil zijn. Mint is located in Sint-Martens-Latem, EAST-FLANDERS, Belgium and is part of the Residential Construction Contractors Industry. Mint has 2 total employees across all of its locations and generates $70,000 in sales (USD). Mint is located in Sint-Martens-Latem, EAST-FLANDERS, Belgium and is part of the Residential Construction Contractors Industry. Mint has 2 total employees across all of its locations and generates $70,000 in sales (USD). (Employees and Sales figures are modelled). Mint is located in Arendonk, ANTWERP, Belgium and is part of the Restaurants Industry. Mint has 2 total employees across all of its locations and generates $29,000 in sales (USD). Mint is located in Arendonk, ANTWERP, Belgium and is part of the Restaurants Industry. Mint has 2 total employees across all of its locations and generates $29,000 in sales (USD). (Employees and Sales figures are modelled). Mint is located in Mechelen, ANTWERP, Belgium and is part of the Consulting Services Industry. Mint has 21 employees at this location and generates $1.76 million in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the Mint corporate family. Mint is located in Mechelen, ANTWERP, Belgium and is part of the Consulting Services Industry. Mint has 21 employees at this location and generates $1.76 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 2 companies in the Mint corporate family.


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