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Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Milwaukee Baseball Academy offers youth baseball/softball players top instruction and coaching. MBA also offers fitness instructors/personal trainers and excellent facility space to hold their classes. Milwaukee Baseball Academy is a 10,000 square foot facility located at 4200 N. Holton St. in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Inside the facility, MBA offers 4 large batting cages, an open area for agility/sprint work and a weight room. This summer, MBA will be adding an additional 8,000 square feet of space. 3,200 sq. ft. of this space will be designated for baseball purposes while the additional 4,800 sq. ft. will be available for interested trainers and exercise instructors. Milwaukee Baseball Academy is primarily a baseball/softball training facility. At MBA, we focus on developing every player to their full potential. In order to do this, MBA's coaching staff of current and former professional and collegiate players strive to teach players the proper way to train. No matter if you are learning about pitching, hitting, catching or fielding, Milwaukee Baseball Academy instructors will teach each player the proper mechanics, put them in a positive/aggressive mindset and introduce players to an outstanding strength and conditioning routine that is sure to improve on-field performance. Additionally, MBA has ample space to allow for exercise instructors and trainers to conduct class, group or personal workouts. With access to MBA's gym, its equipment, and open turf space, trainers can simply show up and meet their clients on site. Any additional equipment brought by trainers is more that welcome and can be left/stored in MBA for trainers planning to use the facility on a consistent basis. MBA offers an outstanding option for exercise classes like yoga, zumba, cross-fit and is a great option for any personal trainer. For questions, please feel free to call MBA anytime at 414-332-3188.


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