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A total of 0 Companies


51-200 employees
Private Limited Company
$2.62 million
Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Acum esti OK!

Plecând de la principiul "decât mult și prost, mai bine puțin și bun" OK Medical este specializată în tratarea unor boli des întalnite, care necesită o abordare interdisciplinară, abordare care pâna acum în România nu a fost implementată în mod profesionist de către sistemul medical. Metodele de tratament folosite în clinica noastră sunt implementate cu succes în Israel, SUA și vestul Europei, țări cu care clinica noastră, în mod constant, are schimburi de experiență și colaborări medicale, beneficiind în anumite cazuri de aportul știintific adus de medici de renume pe plan internațional. Eforturile noastre constante se îndreaptă spre mărirea numărului de servicii medicale supraspecializate și mărirea numărului de filiale în țară, astfel încât un număr cât mai mare de pacienți să aibă acces la servicii medicale de înaltă calitate. SAL MEDICAL SRL is located in Lupeni, Romania and is part of the Physicians Industry. SAL MEDICAL SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $6,358 in sales (USD). SAL MEDICAL SRL is located in Lupeni, Romania and is part of the Physicians Industry. SAL MEDICAL SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $6,358 in sales (USD). PTK MEDICAL SRL is located in POPESTI-LEORDENI, Romania and is part of the Physicians Industry. PTK MEDICAL SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $93,510 in sales (USD). PTK MEDICAL SRL is located in POPESTI-LEORDENI, Romania and is part of the Physicians Industry. PTK MEDICAL SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $93,510 in sales (USD). MEDICAL CORP SRL is located in DOROHOI, Romania and is part of the Physicians Industry. MEDICAL CORP SRL has 2 employees at this location and generates $94,625 in sales (USD). MEDICAL CORP SRL is located in DOROHOI, Romania and is part of the Physicians Industry. MEDICAL CORP SRL has 2 employees at this location and generates $94,625 in sales (USD). MEDICAL CORP SRL is located in Sibiu, Romania and is part of the Drug Wholesalers Industry. MEDICAL CORP SRL has 22 employees at this location and generates $2.62 million in sales (USD). MEDICAL CORP SRL is located in Sibiu, Romania and is part of the Drug Wholesalers Industry. MEDICAL CORP SRL has 22 employees at this location and generates $2.62 million in sales (USD).


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