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Sole Proprietorship
Oakland, CA
Sports massage therapist

Oakland Manual Therapy is a sports and orthopedic bodywork and manual therapy clinic specializing in pain relief, injury rehab and working with individuals who want to move into the next level of balance and fitness in life. Our work is a remarkable blend of massage and manual therapy, soft tissue and joint mobilization and isometric exercises and stretches. Many of our clients find their sessions to be relaxing yet engaging at the same time. This unique style of work enables us to quickly relieve tension and reduce pain which allows access to the deeper layers of the body without the usually discomfort associated with deep work. Each of our three therapists, including the clinical director, are among the most highly trained body workers in the business. Each has completed levels of training that far exceed both the California and national standards for our industry. Their understanding of human anatomy, the neuromuscular system, and clinical experience allows them to quickly pinpoint the causes of physical issues, relieve symptoms, and find and correct underlying dysfunctions, creating lasting change. Whatever your particular issue, our knowledgeable and experienced therapists will partner with you to develop an individualized treatment plan to get you out of pain and back into the activities you enjoy. Oakland Manual Therapy - Getting you out of pain so you can get back into life!


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