San Antonio, Texas
Food & Beverages
Want a career where you can meet great people and make great money? Then bartending is where it’s at. At Professional Bartending School our 1300 sq. ft facility offers the most cutting edge programs available in the nation. We offer a two hour beer and spirits course, wine certification courses, touch screen cash register classes and we help you obtain your TABC handler's permit. Centrally located on the north side of IH10 and 410, our school is part of The Professional Bartending Schools of America, the largest, most respected bartending schools in the country. One of the world’s oldest professions’, bartenders earn an average of 15 to 30 dollars an hour. Not sure if bartending is for you? Come take a tour to have a better understanding of the industry. A proud member of the Better Business Bureau, give Professional Bartending School a call today at 210-967-4600 or visit us online at https://www.sabartendingschool.com/ Recommended premier business featured on http://www.thecityofsanantonio.com/schools/career-vocational-schools.html