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1-10 employees
Privately Held
Rockville, MD
Professional Training & Coaching

Our career counseling/coaching programs have helped over 14,000 individual clients choose a career that fit them perfectly. President Clinton writing about out work: "I am heartened by your efforts to empower people to lead productive and fulfilling lives…(success depends) on the dedication and commitment of individuals who, like you, care deeply about helping people reach their creative and productive potential. This represents the kind of effort our country needs." Nicholas Lore, founder and top-10 bestselling author of THE PATHFINDER: HOW TO CHOOSE OR CHANGE YOUR CAREER FOR A LIFETIME OF SATISFACTION AND SUCCESS, says: “Choosing your work is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. You wouldn't jump into an airplane and take off without knowing how to fly. Fewer than 30% of educated adults are in a satisfying career that fits their talents, passions and needs. People who participate in our coaching programs are far more likely to live a life they love, in a career that provides both maximum success and fulfillment.” Clients have differing goals in working with us: For many, the goal is to go all the way through designing and deciding specifically on their future career/work. At the end of the program, they want to say, “I’ve decided! I’m sure exactly what I will be doing, and how to get there.” These clients use the Rockport Career Choice Program to guide them to that goal. Others know that the most important element of "Career fit" is having their work perfectly match their natural talents and personality. They go through the Rockport Pathfinder Career Testing Program, consisting of many timed measures of natural talents, aptitudes and traits, and a highly personalized interpretation. Most people do the testing at home and their interpretation via phone. For 30+ years, Rockport Institute has been widely commended for its ability to guide clients to a final, definite choice of a specific career or job.


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