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Private Limited Company
Stratégie Commerciale

SCA Conseils vous accompagne sur plusieurs axes déclinés en 3 offres: L'offre SCA-nner: Stratégie et Organisation commerciale challenge et refonte de votre Business Model, optimisation de votre organisation commerciale, mise en place d'un modèle de rémunération de vos équipes de vente, monter un business model réplicable. L'offre e-SCA-lade: Excellence commerciale et marketing opérationnel Création de kit de vente, méthodes de vente, pitch commercial, refonte d'outils d'aide à la vente. L'offre ca-SCA-de: une approche d'apport d'affaires sur des logiciels et offres de service sélectionnés pour vous. Un interlocuteur unique pour travailler directement plusieurs univers de votre organisation. Cette offre est en cours de construction. Mon profil Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/quentinvivier JSC CONSEILS is located in SAINT GEORGES DU BOIS, PAYS-DE-LA-LOIRE, France and is part of the Securities Brokerages Industry. JSC CONSEILS has 10 employees at this location and generates $1.23 million in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the JSC CONSEILS corporate family. JSC CONSEILS is located in SAINT GEORGES DU BOIS, PAYS-DE-LA-LOIRE, France and is part of the Securities Brokerages Industry. JSC CONSEILS has 10 employees at this location and generates $1.23 million in sales (USD). (Employees figure is estimated). There are 2 companies in the JSC CONSEILS corporate family. SL CONSEILS is located in TOULOUSE, LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON-MIDI-PYRENEES, France and is part of the Mortgage Banking Industry. SL CONSEILS has 1 total employees across all of its locations and generates $138,847 in sales (USD). SL CONSEILS is located in TOULOUSE, LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON-MIDI-PYRENEES, France and is part of the Mortgage Banking Industry. SL CONSEILS has 1 total employees across all of its locations and generates $138,847 in sales (USD).


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