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A total of 0 Companies


22 employees
Private Limited Company
$2.19 million
Palermo, Italia
Health Care

Presente sul mercato dal 1969, la nostra Società produce e propone soluzioni, prodotti e servizi Informatici per Studi Professionali, Associazioni di Categoria ed Aziende, per l’organizzazione e l’erogazione di servizi Fiscali, Contabilità, Paghe, Redditi. L'offerta Seac si completa anche con un ricco catalogo di testi che analizzano le tematiche fiscali e della normativa lavoro. A questo si aggiunge l'offerta formativa di Corsi Tecnici e Normativi e i servizi finanziari di leasing e di assicurazione. L’offerta è completata da servizi di formazione ed aggiornamento del personale, da servizi informativi e da una linea editoriale specializzata in ambito Fiscale e Normativa Lavoro. SEAC S.r.l. was founded in 1974. The Company's line of business includes the manufacturing of diagnostics systems and electronic devices for medical and hospital laboratories. Home , Software e Servizi per Studi Commercialisti e Associazioni, Patronati. Soluzioni e Software complete per l'automazione degli studi di commercialisti e associazioni di categoria Presente sul mercato dal 1969, la nostra Società produce e propone soluzioni, prodotti e servizi Informatici per Studi Professionali, Associazioni di Categoria ed Aziende, per l’organizzazione e l’erogazione di servizi Fiscali, Contabilità, Paghe, Redditi. L'offerta Seac si completa anche con un ricco catalogo di testi che analizzano le tematiche fiscali e della normativa lavoro. A questo si aggiunge l'offerta formativa di Corsi Tecnici e Normativi e i servizi finanziari di leasing e di assicurazione. L’offerta è completata da servizi di formazione ed aggiornamento del personale, da servizi informativi e da una linea editoriale specializzata in ambito Fiscale e Normativa Lavoro. ELABORAZIONE ELETTRONICA DI DATI ( DAL 04/01/1982) SEAC SPA is located in TRENTO, TRENTO, Italy and is part of the Managed Application & Network Services Industry. SEAC SPA has 182 employees at this location and generates $28.58 million in sales (USD). There are 63 companies in the SEAC SPA corporate family. SEAC SPA is located in TRENTO, TRENTO, Italy and is part of the Managed Application & Network Services Industry. SEAC SPA has 182 employees at this location and generates $28.58 million in sales (USD). There are 63 companies in the SEAC SPA corporate family. SEAC SRL is located in EBOLI, SALERNO, Italy and is part of the Steel Production Industry. There are 4 companies in the SEAC SRL corporate family. SEAC SRL is located in EBOLI, SALERNO, Italy and is part of the Steel Production Industry. There are 4 companies in the SEAC SRL corporate family. SEAC SRL is located in CICERALE, SALERNO, Italy and is part of the Steel Production Industry. There are 4 companies in the SEAC SRL corporate family. SEAC SRL is located in CICERALE, SALERNO, Italy and is part of the Steel Production Industry. There are 4 companies in the SEAC SRL corporate family. SEAC SRL is located in EBOLI, SALERNO, Italy and is part of the Steel Production Industry. SEAC SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $304,806 in sales (USD). There are 4 companies in the SEAC SRL corporate family. SEAC SRL is located in EBOLI, SALERNO, Italy and is part of the Steel Production Industry. SEAC SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $304,806 in sales (USD). There are 4 companies in the SEAC SRL corporate family. SEAC SRL is located in PALERMO, PALERMO, Italy and is part of the Business Services Sector Industry. SEAC SRL has 33 employees at this location and generates $7.65 million in sales (USD). There are 5 companies in the SEAC SRL corporate family. SEAC SRL is located in PALERMO, PALERMO, Italy and is part of the Business Services Sector Industry. SEAC SRL has 33 employees at this location and generates $7.65 million in sales (USD). There are 5 companies in the SEAC SRL corporate family. SEAC SRL is located in PERUGIA, PERUGIA, Italy and is part of the Accounting Services Industry. SEAC SRL has 40 employees at this location and generates $2.19 million in sales (USD). There are 13 companies in the SEAC SRL corporate family. SEAC SRL is located in PERUGIA, PERUGIA, Italy and is part of the Accounting Services Industry. SEAC SRL has 40 employees at this location and generates $2.19 million in sales (USD). There are 13 companies in the SEAC SRL corporate family.


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