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Public Limited Company
$12.73 million
Health Care

LA GESTIONE DI CASE DI CURA, DI AMBULATORI, DI LABORATORI DI ANALISI ED IN GENERE DI ATTIVITA NEL SETTORE SANITARIO AVVALENDOSI, OVE RICHIESTO DALLA LEGGE, DI PERSONALE QUALIFICATO O ISCRITTO IN ALBI PROFESSIONALI. Pleasure from the sea to the sky Todo Incluido Mexico Un paraíso escondido secluded resort Plaisir del a mer jusqu au ciel placer del mar al cielo concebido para consentir todo tus sentidos para parejas creado con un estilo unico conceived to indulge al Casa di Cura VILLA SERENA SPA Centro di Riabilitazione Cardiocircolatoria, Respiratoria, Neuromotoria e Lungodegenza. Via Magenta 45 PIOSSASCO (TO) . [Villa Vergano] Residenza sanitaria assistenziale per anziani non autosufficienti presenta la carta dei servizi e le tariffe di soggiorno. Presenti anche Documento senza titolo SITO WEB IN COSTRUZIONE Villa Serena SpA was founded in 1937. The Company's line of business includes providing diagnostic services, treatment, and other hospital services. VILLA SERENA SPA is located in GALBIATE, LECCO, Italy and is part of the Nursing Homes & Long-Term Care Facilities Industry. VILLA SERENA SPA has 15 employees at this location and generates $111,088 in sales (USD). There are 35,630 companies in the VILLA SERENA SPA corporate family. VILLA SERENA SPA is located in GALBIATE, LECCO, Italy and is part of the Nursing Homes & Long-Term Care Facilities Industry. VILLA SERENA SPA has 15 employees at this location and generates $111,088 in sales (USD). There are 35,630 companies in the VILLA SERENA SPA corporate family. VILLA SERENA SPA is located in PIOSSASCO, TORINO, Italy and is part of the Medical & Diagnostic Laboratories Industry. There are 6 companies in the VILLA SERENA SPA corporate family. VILLA SERENA SPA is located in PIOSSASCO, TORINO, Italy and is part of the Medical & Diagnostic Laboratories Industry. There are 6 companies in the VILLA SERENA SPA corporate family. VILLA SERENA SRL is located in FRAGAGNANO, TARANTO, Italy and is part of the Ambulatory Health Care Services Industry. VILLA SERENA SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $92,000 in sales (USD). VILLA SERENA SRL is located in FRAGAGNANO, TARANTO, Italy and is part of the Ambulatory Health Care Services Industry. VILLA SERENA SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $92,000 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). VILLA SERENA SPA is located in GENOVA, GENOVA, Italy and is part of the Ambulatory Health Care Services Industry. VILLA SERENA SPA has 58 employees at this location and generates $8.20 million in sales (USD). There are 120 companies in the VILLA SERENA SPA corporate family. VILLA SERENA SPA is located in GENOVA, GENOVA, Italy and is part of the Ambulatory Health Care Services Industry. VILLA SERENA SPA has 58 employees at this location and generates $8.20 million in sales (USD). There are 120 companies in the VILLA SERENA SPA corporate family. VILLA SERENA SRL is located in ROCCANTICA, RIETI, Italy and is part of the Hospitals Industry. VILLA SERENA SRL has 10 employees at this location and generates $351,222 in sales (USD). VILLA SERENA SRL is located in ROCCANTICA, RIETI, Italy and is part of the Hospitals Industry. VILLA SERENA SRL has 10 employees at this location and generates $351,222 in sales (USD). VILLA SERENA SPA is located in PIOSSASCO, TORINO, Italy and is part of the Hospitals Industry. VILLA SERENA SPA has 115 employees at this location and generates $12.73 million in sales (USD). There are 6 companies in the VILLA SERENA SPA corporate family. VILLA SERENA SPA is located in PIOSSASCO, TORINO, Italy and is part of the Hospitals Industry. VILLA SERENA SPA has 115 employees at this location and generates $12.73 million in sales (USD). There are 6 companies in the VILLA SERENA SPA corporate family.


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