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Non Profit Association
Genk, Vlaanderen
Samen-werken aan lokaal hergebruik

Vzw Reset staat in voor de inzameling, het verwerken én verkopen van afgedankte maar herbruikbare goederen. Reset biedt deze (her)gebruiksgoederen aan in De Kringwinkel en maakt deze betaalbaar voor iederéén. Zo krijgen ook mensen met lage inkomens de mogelijkheid om hun levenskwaliteit te verbeteren. Naast een Kringwinkel, heeft vzw Reset een Centraal Magazijn waar goederen gepoetst en geprijsd worden. Ook zijn er 2 (herstel)ateliers voor oa. fietsen en kaarsen. Het wil door het inzetten op hergebruik van goederen streven naar een beter milieu. Bovendien is Reset verantwoordelijk voor de ophaling van AEEA. Dit gebeurt in het Hergebruikcentrum, hier wordt er gezorgd dat alle elektrische apparaten op de juiste manier worden ingezameld en naar de juiste partners gebracht worden voor een correcte verwerking. Vzw Reset vzw is een maatwerkbedrijf (sociale werkplaats) dat focust op de strijd tegen armoede door mensen tewerk te stellen die in het normale economische circuit niet aan een job geraken. Op deze manier kunnen ze hun financiële onafhankelijkheid versterken. Vzw Reset wil een goede werkgever zijn door de persoonlijke groei en ontwikkeling van deze medewerkers te bevorderen, als impuls voor participatie in de maatschappij. We streven dit alles na door onze strategie te baseren op 7 werkterreinen van de strategische duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen die werden omschreven door de UN. Deze zijn: - Geen armoede - gendergelijkheid - eerlijk werk en economische groei - duurzame steden en gemeenschappen - partnerschappen om doelstellingen te bereiken - verantwoorde consumptie en productie - vrede, veiligheid en sterke publieke diensten Deze doelstellingen zijn terug te vinden in onze missie: Samen-werken aan lokaal hergebruik. Reset is located in Antwerpen, Belgium and is part of the Trade Show & Event Planning Services Industry. Reset generates $257,277 million in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Antwerpen, Belgium and is part of the Trade Show & Event Planning Services Industry. Reset generates $257,277 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 2 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Vilvoorde, FLEMISH BRABANT, Belgium and is part of the Education & Training Services Industry. Reset has 1 total employees across all of its locations and generates $78,000 in sales (USD). Reset is located in Vilvoorde, FLEMISH BRABANT, Belgium and is part of the Education & Training Services Industry. Reset has 1 total employees across all of its locations and generates $78,000 in sales (USD). (Employees and Sales figures are modelled). Reset is located in Genk, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Solid Waste Services & Recycling Industry. Reset has 147 employees at this location and generates $3.94 million in sales (USD). There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Genk, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Solid Waste Services & Recycling Industry. Reset has 147 employees at this location and generates $3.94 million in sales (USD). There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Riemst, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Riemst, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Tongeren, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Tongeren, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Bilzen, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Bilzen, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Beringen, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Beringen, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Tessenderlo, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Tessenderlo, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Houthalen-Helchteren, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Houthalen-Helchteren, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Heusden-Zolder, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family. Reset is located in Heusden-Zolder, LIMBURG, Belgium and is part of the Social Assistance Industry. There are 10 companies in the Reset corporate family.


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