Educational Institution
Tomball, TEXAS
Wadokan dojo was established in 2004 and was originally located in Magnolia, TX. The school moved to Global Martial Arts in Tomball in June of 2011. Galdamez Sensei holds the rank of yondan and is the head instructor and founder of Wadokan dojo. Galdamez Sensei began his Aikido training in 2000 under Michael Black Sensei in the Aikido Association of America organization. In 2004 he received his shodan (first degree black belt) from the chief instructor of Aikido Association of America Andrew Sato sensei. Shortly after the formation of the Aikido World Alliance, Galdamez sensei joined the AWA organization following his chief instructor. He received his nidan, sandan and yondan (2nd, 3rd and 4th degree black belt) under Sato Sensei in the AWA. He has participated in international training in Japan and Qatar, and has recently assisted in the training of the police force in Qatar.