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11-50 employees
Public Company
Symonston, ACT
Protecting The Frontline Protectors

XTEK Limited (XTEK), listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:XTE), is Australia's homeland security specialist, providing high-quality products and solutions to defence, law enforcement agencies and other government departments, to protect and sustain their people, national interests and our way of life. Focused on the innovation of new or improved solutions: XTclave™ composite consolidation technology production plant. - XTclave makes it possible to manufacture lighter, stronger and stiffer composite articles more efficiently, such as small arms protective insert (SAPI) plates up to 30% lighter. Please click here to read more about XTclave. XTatlas™ geospatial video overlays and mosaic mapping from video in near-real time. - This ground-breaking technology is now being commercialised and further development is in progress to integrate other sensor layers and generate 3D terrain and models from video. Please click here to read more about XTatlas. XTEK Tac2 Sniper Rifle System - the worlds most advanced, modern sniper rifle system. - A highly advanced, modern sniper rifle system with a straight pull bolt and design benefits that no other rifle can compete against. Please click here to read more about the XTEK Tac2. XTviz™ visual impact analysis of geospatially accurate 3D environments. - XTviz, produced by Simmersion Holdings Pty Ltd, provides high fidelity real-time simulation of the built environment for environmental and urban planning visual impact analysis. Please click here to read more about the XTviz. Xtek Limited provides homeland security solutions. The Company develops technology such as composite consolidation, geospatial video overlays, and mosaic mapping from video in near-real time. Xtek serves defense, law enforcement agencies, and other government departments.


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